The two Beatles know a thing or two about meditation as they famously traveled to India to visit with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 40 years ago to learn the practice. 40 YEARS AGO!! Joining them in the transcendentalfest (phrase stolen from Gothamist.com!) are Eddie Vedder, Sheryl Crow, My Morning Jacket’s Jim James, Moby and more.
Amidst the wonderful cause that is getting children of the world to shut the hell up and breath deeply for a few minutes, we may get a BEATLES RE-UNION!!!. Call it insignificant if you want without George or John, but this may be IT folks. How many more times is this going to happen? Or even potentially happen?
As far as specific rumors, there are few. From examiner.com:
More hints from Howard Stern Thursday about the "Change From Within" concert: Ringo will only be doing a couple of songs at the benefit, while Paul will be doing an "extended set."
For those that have no plans on a Saturday night, the concert will be simulcast via David Lynch's website: http://dlf.tv/. How good is that going to go? Where is Butch Trucks and Moogis when you need them?
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